What Age Should Newborn Photos be Taken?

Technically, a baby is consider "newborn" for the first 28 days. 

Coincidentally, I think that a great range for when to take newborn family photos is between 1-4 weeks of age. Unless you're doing a fresh 48 session (having your photographer come to your birth place to document the raw details of immediate postpartum life) I would not recommend doing newborn photos until baby is at least a week old.  This gives you and baby each much needed time to adjust, heal, and rest!

when to take newborn photos

Newborn photos for a one week old:

If you want the fresh details of early newborn life, you absolutely can schedule your baby's photos for when they are just a week old. You'll get to capture them in their very first days on earth in all their tiny glory!

At one week old, newborns are typically at their sleepiest which can be great for pictures.

(That being said, mom and dad and siblings might all be sleepy too though as you try and adjust to the new sleep schedule and recover from the birth.)

Baby may not want to be out of mom's arms for any of the session, if this is the case, we'll do the session with that precious tiny human fully in mama's embrace - it can be hard adjusting to being born, I don't take babies away from their safe place if they are making it clear that they aren't ready for that. I go with baby's cues to guide the session so that we aren't placing unnecessary stress on your sweet newborn. 

While I provide gentle guidance to direct the flow of the session and avoid complicated posing, you do still want to consider whether you'll want to be getting dressed and ready for a photo session. This is up to you, you know your body and what you can take on, but give yourself grace if you don't feel up to it that soon. There is still plenty of time to schedule your session.

when to take newborn photos

Is 2 weeks too old for newborn photos?

Depending on your birth experience and unique family dynamic, two weeks old can be a great time for newborn pictures because it gives mom some time to heal and rest before getting dressed for a photoshoot. I know that newborn life is tiring and so many changes are taking place both in our bodies and in daily life - Set aside a little time for yourself to shower, maybe put on some makeup, and do your hair the way that you like and enjoy getting to cuddle your baby and soak up their sleepy scrunchiness!

At two weeks, baby is still super sleepy and still probably fits into their little newbie outfits but may be a bit more acclimated to life this side of the womb so they may be okay being laid down for a few solo shots at some point in the session.

Hopefully, everyone is starting to adjust a bit more to the newest arrival while still being a little star struck.

Can I take newborn photos at 3 weeks?

3 weeks old is 100% still a newborn, baby is getting a bit bigger and has longer awake windows but trust me, that little in is still tiny and new! While they may look big right now, give yourself a couple of months (or maybe weeks) and you'll look back in wonder that they were ever this small. <3

The fun part of an older newborn is that they have longer awake windows and are starting to become more interactive (looking around at light and family members) which is SO sweet, in my opinion. I love these types of photos of my babies! I am always disappointed if someone else holds my newborn during an awake window - I think it is such a sweet time to get to interact with my new little one.

You and your family are likely settling into a routine with sleep schedules and feedings and it may be an easier time to have a photo session.

when to book family newborn session

Is 4 weeks too late for newborn photos?

Doing newborn pictures with an older newborn can be really fun because the family has had time to adjust to the new normal, and baby has had time to adjust to being outside the womb.

Baby tends to be alert for longer periods of time and may be more interactive by this point - (Aren't newborn smiles just the best?!)

Oftentimes, mom feels a lot more comfortable at this point too! For me, I find that between bleeding easing up, nursing becoming not as painful, and having time to get to know my baby's cues all help me to feel more confident at this stage. 

Baby might be starting to wear size 1 diapers and already outgrowing their newborn clothes, but they are still tiny and new, (even though it feels like you've known them forever by now!)

You might want to grab an extra outfit in the next size up for their session though, just in case they outgrow that tiny newborn outfit before their session day arrives! 

2 week old newborn

How do I know when to schedule newborn photos?

The great thing about scheduling an in-home newborn session is that you don't need to decide right away! Once baby is born, let me know that they are here and I can send you a few suggested dates. 

By that point, you'll know how the delivery went (of course) and can make an educated guess about how long you think you'll need for your body to recover. Maybe you are feeling great and want to get photos in before your husband goes back to work, but if you just want to keep that time sacred and hunker down for the first couple of weeks, you can always opt for an older newborn session in the 3-4 week range. Either way, newborn days are such a precious and quickly passing stage. 

As I write this, my own newborn is about to age out of the "newborn" stage, and I can't believe how fast it's gone! Somehow, it seems even quicker this second time around. 

I can't wait to capture these moments for you! Until then, may your newborn days be full of warm scrunchy snuggles and a minimal number of blow out diapers! ;-)







work with me
Susannah Ray Photography

A laidback and fun photo experience with your spouse and kiddos in one of the beautiful outdoor locations near St. Cloud, MN: Whether it is a field, lake-side beach, or wooded area, I am always on the search for more beautiful places to recommend for my clients.




work with me
Susannah Ray Photography

Featuring the expectant mother in a beautiful outdoor location. Her significant other and other children are included in the session as well. Flowy dresses to highlight your beautiful bump and make you feel as stunning as you are highly recommended!




work with me
Susannah Ray Photography

Featuring your beautiful newborn (and his or her immediate family) in either the comfort of your own home where baby's memories begin, or in a beautiful outdoor location near St. Cloud.

St. Cloud, MN based photographer

Hi, my name is


Susannah Raye Photography

Telling your story one image at a time.

The birth of my first baby is what lit the fire under me to help other families capture their own lives - From crazy toddler antics to tender in-betweens, these are the moments that I cherish with my own family.

As a mom to two under two, I am accustomed to the joyful chaos of young families and like to bring a relaxed approach to your photo session that encourages children to have fun and show their true personalities instead of forcing them to smile unnaturally on command.