How to have connected and fun family photos full of genuine love and laughter

When you book a session, you want to feel beautiful and really have the dynamic within your family captured well. You know how kids tend to be though... Inevitably the toddler is going to be hiding his face, or the teenager is going to be stiff and embarrassed. How do you make family pictures fun for the whole family?

I know the feeling, I have two little ones myself and a hubby that hates having his picture taken. It makes me sad that family photos have such negative connotations for so many. I truly believe that it can be a really sweet, fun, and memory building time!

The key is intentionality - The fact that you are reading this blog means that intentionality is really important to you, isn't it? You want your family to actually enjoy the experience and really allow their true personalities to be captured - Right?

Here are my best tips for how you can help yourself and your family be best prepared for creating meaningful photos full of beautiful candid moments and genuine connection and fun - Read through these and share them with your spouse so that you can approach the session as a team:

Parents, you set the tone for the session

Parents, but especially moms, you set the tone for the session even before you arrive. Don't stress, threaten, or bribe - Talk with your kids about the fun you'll have, maybe you plan to get ice cream afterward (not as a bribe, but as a continuation of a fun family experience!)

During the session too, if you're stressed and anxious, your kids will pick up on that. It's okay for little Johnny to run circles around you, or for Suzy to only want to be held - That's where they are at right now, part of being intentional during your session means embracing what IS, instead of creating a façade.

Try grabbing your son and tossing him up in the air, or holding his hands and spinning in circles. Or, cuddle your little girl up close and enjoy the fact that she's still small enough to be held in your arms.

Talk in cheerful, animated, and loving tones - You can redirect if necessary, but completely avoid yelling, threatening, or harshness.

mom kissing son connecting family picture

Set aside expectations and be present

Set aside your expectations for how your kids or your spouse will behave, and set aside your expectations for yourself, don't stress about how you look - I'm looking for the flattering angles, perfect light, and will guide you in different ways to help draw out the beauty of the moment in the photos.

(Interestingly enough, the angle of your face when you're looking to the side to connect with your child or your partner is very flattering!)

Always Be Touching Someone

Don't let your hands be idle, always be touching someone. This always is beautiful in a photograph, but adding intentionality really creates the emotion and meaningfulness we crave as mothers.

Does your toddler have bouncy curls because he hasn't had his first haircut yet? Twirl them in your fingers and hold him close (if he'll let you! Haha!)

Do you stroke your five year old's cheek as you tell her goodnight? Stroke she cheek like that during the session!

Have you stopped to admire your partner lately? Maybe you trace his jawline as you gaze into his handsome face.

laughing boy in family portrait

Keep moving, movement is your friend!

As humans, we don't usually pose and freeze in daily life, right? (How awkward would that be if we did!) It's natural to move, and we find comfort in that. We rub circles on our baby's back, sway softly in our spouse's arms, run our hands through our toddler hair, and more.

Try holding your dress and swishing it as you walk, run your fingers down your spouse's neck as you embrace, play with your newborn's fingers.

These little movements help you to relax and move naturally, and they create genuine connection between you and your family as you focus on THEM and not the camera.

family playing together St. Cloud MN

Enter into your child's world

As your kids explore the location, explore with them! (An easy way to connect is by holding their hand as you explore together.) Get down on their level and see the world their eyes. Ask them to show you the acorn they found, enter into their ramblings and stories and enjoy the creativity and wonder that they have.

Your children will love having your attention. Often, you'll find that they are more willing to engage in the session too when it's an environment full of love, fun, exploration, and tender intentionality.

One last note:

Remember, this isn't about a perfect "everyone smile at the camera" photo - It is about remembering who each of these dear people were at this time in life - The expressions and mannerisms that will change as our kids get older, and the sweetness of laughing and playing together as a family. These are your most precious people - Your spouse and your babies - Be present with them and give yourself permission to move freely and love on them lavishly.

This will set the tone beautifully for genuine candid moments, a fun and enjoyable experience, and photos you'll love to hang on your wall and laugh together as you remember the silly joke daddy told while you were sitting in the field dressed in pretty clothes while your photographer tripped over her own feet while capturing your family's cuteness!

Heartfelt & Joyful Photography

Hi, my name is


Susannah Treadway smiles at the camera

Capturing the beauty in everyday motherhood moments and embracing the nostalgia of childhood.

I crave authenticity, thrive on emotional connection, and see life through a romanticized lens—especially when it comes to capturing the love and chaos of family life.

As a wife, mama, and lover of photographs, I know how quickly these moments pass—the snuggles, the giggles, the fleeting seasons of motherhood. That’s why I’m passionate about creating images that don’t just capture how your family looks but how these moments feel.

Moments like the way your newborn nestles against you to, the laughter on your bouncing toddler's face, the shifting dynamic as you pull your no-longer-little child into your embrace one more time and you laugh together, my sessions are about preserving the stories you’ll hold onto forever.

Let’s create something timeless, meaningful, and uniquely yours—images that will bring you right back to the love and connection of this season, over and over again.